Tips For Studying Better That Work

Tips For Studying Better That Work

168 is the number of hours in a week. You probably think that’s not enough for the amount of work you have to do and exams you have to study like for Japanese government scholarship (ทุน รัฐบาล ญี่ปุ่น which is the term in Thai) – plus other activities and appointments you have on your schedule. If you work and study simultaneously, it becomes even more challenging to find free time.

So, if time is not enough for the number of things you have to do and the material you have to study and if lowering your grades is not even a possibility for you, the secret is to improve the way you study.

study tips

  1. Find Out What Your Learning Style Is

We are all very different, and, of course, we all have different ways of learning and assimilating material. There are four main learning styles. Find out what your style is and make the most of it.

Visual/Spatial: Visual learners learn best to see diagrams, colors, videos, and patterns. Drawing schematics can work very well for you. When you are in the exams, you will be able to remember the figures easily.

Auditory/Musical: Hearing students learn better by listening. They respond well to audio signals such as speech, music, rhymes, and other sounds. Try making songs and rhymes with the material.

Linguistics: Reading/writing students learn best to read and write the material they need to study. Summarize what you have learned in class and the material provided by the teachers.

Bodily/Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners better retain the information to perform. They like to role-play, build models, draw diagrams and make “flashcards.” They need to put the concepts into practice in the real world.

study tips

  1. Always Study In Different Environments

For a long time, it was believed that always studying in the same place was the perfect method for our brain to stay focused and thus better retain information.

However, in recent years, new ways of interpreting study habits have emerged. An American study shows that you are boosting your learning ability by regularly changing your place of study.

In this study, psychologists found that college students who studied a list of 40 vocabulary words in two different rooms — one windowless and cluttered, the other modern, overlooking a courtyard — had much better results than students who studied the words twice, in the same room. Later studies confirmed the finding. What happens is that the brain makes subtle associations between what it is studying and the sensations it is currently having, regardless of whether these perceptions are conscious.

Skye Marshall

Ivy Skye Marshall: Ivy, a social justice reporter, covers human rights issues, social movements, and stories of community resilience.