Why is It Important to Weigh Babies? A Simple Guide

Why is It Important to Weigh Babies? A Simple Guide

Since being introduced in the early twentieth century – weight checks of infants and babies have been a fundamental aspect of monitoring growth. After birth, some babies lose weight, but by the time they are a fortnight old, they will have regained their birth weight. Weighing the baby is essential because should the baby fail to meet these standards, it can reflect issues with the baby’s health, which is a fundamental part of the diagnosis.


What Can be Spotted by Baby Weighing?

When the baby is weighed at birth – and low birthweight is diagnosed, they may be at risk of complications. Low birthweight can be associated with premature birth, and it can be not easy to separate between the two if this is the case. However, the lower the baby’s birth weight, the greater the risk they will face. According to the WHO, babies with low birth weight have a higher chance of dying in the first 28 days of life.


Common problems of low birthweight babies are:

  • Low oxygen levels at birth
  • Difficulty feeding and gaining weight
  • Inability to maintain body temperature
  • Breathing problems
  • Infection


Baby scales are used to measure the weight of babies and breast milk. When a baby arrives early or has medical issues, health care providers turn to the Baby Weigh Scale for estimating breast milk intake. The baby is weighed before and after breastfeeding, and with a touch of a switch, the Baby Weight Scale calculates the baby’s intake. The Baby Scale can calculate the difference of one-half teaspoon of breast milk for small babies.


Lack of weight gain in infants should always be taken seriously. Make sure to check that your baby is being appropriately weighed. Weight should always be taken on the same scale because of the slight differences between scales. It is best to utilize a baby scale to weigh an infant. You also should check your baby’s weight once a week because of the daily weight variation due to feedings, urination, bowel movements, etc. If the weight stays accurate and you know that your baby is either losing weight or gaining no weight, the baby should be seen and evaluated by a doctor immediately.


If the baby’s weight gains but does not seem adequate, consider if your baby’s feeding is suitable. Are you delivering food five or six times a day? Are you feeding proper breast milk or infant formula to the baby? At 6 months old, infants need extra calories from solid foods. Are you giving solid foods several times a day? If everything seems normal, you still might want to get your baby examined to ensure that the baby’s weight is okay. All physicians and doctors will use baby scales to monitor the baby’s weight. The baby is usually weighed every month, and the measures will show how well your baby is growing.

Skye Marshall

Ivy Skye Marshall: Ivy, a social justice reporter, covers human rights issues, social movements, and stories of community resilience.