Steps for Finding a Dizziness Specialist
If you are experiencing frequent episodes of dizziness, you should see a dizziness specialist for further diagnosis and treatment. Although the symptoms usually subside on their own, they can be persistent and sometimes need a specialist’s help. There are several treatments available to alleviate dizziness, including drugs, dietary changes, and surgeries. Before selecting a treatment, your dizziness specialist will want to determine the cause of your condition and your specific needs.
A dizziness specialist is a medical professional with specialized training in the treatment of vertigo and other symptoms of vertigo. Depending on your symptoms and your medical history, he or she may be an ENT specialist, an oculist, or a doctor with an associate degree in oculology. Your treatment options may include a visit to a specialist or a combination of therapies. However, if your dizziness is caused by a comorbid medical condition, you should seek a specialist for further evaluation.
The first step to finding a dizziness specialist is to research and speak to your family and friends about their experiences with dizziness. Another option is to search online for certified physiotherapists. Be sure to check the level of experience of the specialists before selecting a therapist. It is essential to find one who specializes in dizziness, as this will ensure that your treatment is targeted to your specific condition and provides the best possible results.
Treatment for dizziness depends on the underlying health condition. An infection, for example, may cause dizziness, which requires a course of antibiotics or other medications. You should take your medications as prescribed, as stopping them too early will not kill the bacteria and the symptoms will reappear. A dizziness specialist may recommend a different treatment if your dizziness is caused by another medical condition. You should also list key personal information, such as any medications you take, as well as any questions you would like to ask.
Treatment for dizziness varies depending on the underlying cause of the condition and your child’s specific needs. At THINK Neurology for Kids, doctors with extensive experience in pediatric dizziness diagnose and treat patients, as well as provide personalized care. The team at THINK Neurology for Kids will utilize an ImPACT(r) testing technique to assess cognitive functioning in order to pinpoint the underlying cause of dizziness, which helps them to determine the right treatment plan for your child.
The vestibular system and the brain are three important organs that affect balance. A dizziness specialist will rule out other medical conditions before recommending treatment. Your physician may recommend surgery or a different treatment if the symptoms aren’t getting better. If you’ve been experiencing dizziness for a long time, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Dizziness is often dangerous, and may lead to a fall. Ultimately, you must consult a dizziness specialist to get a proper diagnosis.
Most people with cervicogenic dizziness have normal lab results. Other conditions, such as degenerative arthritis, can cause dizziness, but it’s unlikely that they’re the cause. If you’re worried about your child’s safety, you should seek medical treatment. Cervicogenic dizziness can start 15 years after a birth, so a proper scan of the neck and brain is imperative. It’s important to see a dizziness specialist before you risk experiencing permanent damage or suffering from chronic dizziness.