Essential Things You Need to Know About Adopting a Crested Gecko
The humble little Crested Gecko ‘Correlophus Ciliatus’ aka – Crestie, has been a very popular reptile among new and experienced keepers. These small lizards have crested lines/spines that run from their eyes down their rears on either side, making them look a lot like teeny, tiny wingless dragons. Since the crest rises at their eyes, it can give them the impression of having eyelashes. That’s why some people refer to them as eyelash geckos.
While they don’t look like they’d be much concern to take care of, there are some things you need to know about the crested gecko before you determine to make them a pet.
The Ideal Environment for a Crested Gecko
Their specialized toe pads enable them to climb all kinds of surfaces. That’s why it’s essential to keep this in mind when choosing a home for them. You never want to leave an opening at the top of their habitat. They will find it and escape.Crested geckos are semi-arboreal, which means they like to spend most of their time in trees, so you want a habitat that accommodates that. Crested geckos wish for lush foliage and places to climb. They won’t want to be on the floor in a sandy aquarium.
You want a 20-gallon aquarium (or larger) for this tiny creature. Many owners mistake seeing a relatively small lizard and assuming it doesn’t need a huge space. A small twig won’t do either since some adult geckos can develop to be four inches, not including their tail length. Unlike some lizards, crested geckos don’t need a heat lamp. The room temperature is just fine.
Crested Gecko Feeding
Crested geckos are omnivores, indicating an animal that eats plants and animals. In the case of the gecko, they like fruits and insects. When it comes to feeding your gecko, you can select a commercial food or give them a choice of small insects and soft, mashed-up fruit like pears and bananas.
Handling and Lifespan for Crested Geckos
Some people who adopt reptiles are into the cool factor of walking around with the animal on their arm, hand, or shoulder. While many lizards don’t tolerate managing very well, the crested gecko does. Although young geckos may be slightly jumpy when taken out of the cage, they become more docile and easier to handle as they mature. All in all, they are relatively low-maintenance pets.
The one thing that most crested gecko owners don’t recognize is that when you take care of these animals, they can live 15 – 20 years. An animal that lives 15-20 years will be with you for many changes in your life. So before adopting a crested gecko, consider if you or your family is ready to make that commitment. If not, you may want to look for an animal with a shorter life span.